Scene of the Week – 17-21 Aug 2015

sceneof theweek


It’s the unrequited love story we’ve watched unfold for months and while we can’t be completely won over by Daniel’s rapid turn around, seeing Daniel and Imogen finally have their moment was definitely enjoyable. Since they first met there’s always been a spark between the two of them and the fact we can still champion their relationship despite the awful Daniel/Amber plots, is a testament to Tim Phillips and Ariel Kaplan’s on screen chemistry. We think Imogen deserved the man of her dreams and Daniel rightly went out of his way to woo her this week. Sure it was sickly sweet, cringey and cheesy all at once as he serenaded her outside Lassiters but it’s the kind of romantic gesture Imogen has been crying out for. If Imogen can make him put down the ukulele and tone down the hippie vibes and he can mellow her short fuse then they’re probably a match made in heaven.

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